How to
- How do I add a student and/or edit student information?
- How do I adjust the date an Intervention was applied?
- How do I administer a timed benchmark test?
- How do I administer online Spanish measures?
- How do I assign tests to just one student?
- How do I change my account information (name, email, password, classroom link)?
- How do I convert my edited roster to a .CSV file?
- How do I create a student goal in my Deluxe account?
- How do I create an Intervention template (Deluxe)?
- How do I create or register for an easyCBM account?
- How do I delete a group from my account?
- How do I delete a student test?
- How do I delete my easyCBM account?
- How do I delete or deactivate a student from my account?
- How do I delete or remove a student from a group?
- How do I delete retained assessments?
- How do I determine what grade my student is performing at and what test do I give them?
- How do I enable and disable measures (Deluxe)?
- How do I enable or disable measures in my account?
- How do I enter benchmark scores after testing dates have closed?