Benchmark: Enter benchmark scores after testing dates have closed

Before changing the benchmark dates to enter/edit an old benchmark score, please make sure no other benchmark testing is being conducted within your account.

Entering benchmark scores, or taking a benchmark test after the testing window has closed, requires extending the testing date to the current date (today's date) so the test can be taken/entered. This will cause the percentile lines on the graph to become skewed, but once the dates are returned to the original dates, the percentile lines will return to normal.

To enter a benchmark test after the testing dates have closed you will need to locate your benchmark date range setting. Click on the Account tab in the upper right hand side of your dashboard. Next, under Settings, click on the blue Manage Settings button.

Under Benchmark Window Settings, you set the dates the benchmark tests can be given and/or data recorded. To enter student scores, the testing window for the appropriate season must be open on the date you are entering the test. Note: Only one testing window can be open at a time, and all dates must move forward in time. (Dates of testing windows cannot overlap.)

  • Make a note of what your original Benchmarking dates are so that you can re-enter these dates after the test has been entered.
  • Example of adjusting Fall Benchmark dates to enter a fall test:
    • You want to enter scores for the Fall Benchmarking period which ended Nov. 15, 2024 but today is is Jan. 28, 2025. You will first need to change the Fall Last Day of testing (end date) so that it extends to Jan. 28, 2025. This will open the window, allowing you to enter the data. However, because this causes the Fall window to overlap with the Winter window (for the date of Jan. 28, 2025), you will also need to update the First Day (start date) of the Winter Benchmark window Jan. 29, 2025. In this way, the current date is open for Fall score entry, the Winter testing is not open yet, all dates move forward in time and no dates overlap. Make sure to Save Changes.

  • Once these dates have been altered, enter your fall scores.
  • After the scores are entered and saved, go back to the Benchmark Window Settings and return the benchmark testing windows back to their original setting. Make sure to click Save Changes.
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