How do I change my account information (name, email, password, and classroom name)

easyCBM Teacher Deluxe Edition has transitioned to using account email addresses for logging in rather than a separate username. It is important for the email address to be valid for the current user. If you currently have a username for your account, we encourage you make sure you begin using a valid email address for login.

To change your account information: Log into your easyCBM account, then click on the Account tab on the upper right-hand side of your screen.

  1. To change Name:
    1. Click on the blue Change link below your name.
    2. Enter the new name information.
    3. Click the blue Save button.
  2.  To change Email Address:
    1. Click on the blue Change link below your email address.
    2. For security, you will be required to enter your password. Click the blue Continue button.
    3. Next, enter a new valid email address. Click the blue Continue button.
    4. You will receive a verification email at this new email address.
    5. Follow instructions in the email to verify the email address.
  3.  To change Classroom Name:
    1. Click on the blue Change link below your classroom name.
    2. Enter the new Classroom Name information.
    3. Click the blue Update Link button.
  4. To change Password:
    1. Click on the blue Change Your Password button below your name.
    2. Your new password must be at least 8 characters, be unique, and must include characters form at least 2 groups (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters).
    3. Click the blue Change button.
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