Students: Deleting or deactivating a student

When you want to remove a student from your account, what you really are doing is deactivating a student, not deleting them.

Deactivating a student holds them in your account, with their data, but visually removes them from your list of students. This allows you to still keep a student and their data intact so you can keep your student list current while opening up space for new students to be added. Should you want to reactivate a student, please write to us and provide us with an alphabetized list of students you want reactivated (last name, first), and we will complete your request.

To deactivate a student, login to your account and go to the Student’s tab. In the Students column to the right, locate the student for deactivation and click on their name. To the right of the student's name is a red trash can icon. If you click on the icon, a pop-up window will appear like the example listed below.

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