easyCBM Program Info.
- Can I get a Deluxe trial account before purchasing it?
- Can we use manipulatives with easyCBM?
- CBMSkills and Math
- Chart comparison between the easyCBM programs
- Do the easycbm reading assessment passages follow the SOR (Science of Reading) approach?
- Does easyCBM work with Single Sign On (SSO) connectivity applications like Clever and ClassLink?
- Does the easyCBM program have math computational fluency for grades K-8?
- Does the easyCBM system work on iPads?
- Does your program do grade equivalent assessments?
- Dyslexia or RAN measures on District easyCBM
- Getting Acquainted with the easyCBM System
- How can I speak to someone regarding easyCBM?
- How is the easyCBM system to be used in schools?
- Rate of Improvement (ROI) score
- Teacher Deluxe vs. District easyCBM
- Use of easyCBM in dissertation research
- We’ve refreshed the easyCBM Teacher Edition!
- What accommodations are there for blind and visually impaired students?
- What are the differences between the Lite and Teacher Deluxe versions of easyCBM?
- What are the total number of available measures in each easyCBM program