Account: Create easyCBM Teacher Deluxe account

Create an easyCBM account and access free Teacher Deluxe Trial

  1. Go to:
    1. Click on the blue Register button

  1. Enter your account registration information
    1. Email address (must be a valid email address and not used with a different easyCBM account)
    2. First Name
    3. Last Name
    4. Click on the green “Send Address Verification Email” button. This will send a code to the email address you have entered.

  1. Verify your email address
    1. Retrieve your verification code from the email address you entered in the previous step.
    2. Enter the verification code into the box provided.
    3. Click the green “Continue” button.

  1. Create a Password
    1. Password must at least 8 characters, be unique, and must include characters from at least 2 groups (uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters).
    2. Click the green Begin Free Trial button and you will be logged into the Teacher Deluxe Trial Subscription.

You are now logged into the easyCBM system. At the top of left of your screen, you will find the Account Status. It includes the expiration date of your trial on the Subscribe Now button.

The easyCBM system automatically creates and sends an email to the email address specified during account creation. In most cases, users will receive this email within a few minutes. In some cases, a spam filter may block this email. If half an hour has passed and you still haven't received the login email, please check your spam filter for the message. If this fails, set your filter to allow emails from:

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