How to
- How to select the range of student data to view
- What is the best way to learn about and use your program?
- How can I tell what online assessments have been assigned to students?
- How can I make the font on an assessment bigger?
- Can teachers share the full test (including test questions) with a parent?
- How to use raw scores and percentile rank to interpret student performance
- How do I find out if a student is at risk?
- How do I administer online Spanish measures?
- In the norms table, I have a student performing above the percentile. How do I find their actual percentile?
- How do I manually administer and enter a progress monitored timed test?
- How do I restore or reactivate a deleted student?
- How do I tell what tests my students took and/or where can I see their results?
- How do I switch or move a student to another class/group without losing them and their data?
- How do I re-assign a Student ID# that was assigned to another student last year?
- Can I merge, combine, or transfer data between two accounts?
- Where do I find student scores and how do I interpret them?
- How do I save or back-up student data?
- How do I know what tests are assigned to a student and what tests they've taken
- How do I set available hours to take a test?
- How do I transfer my account to another person?