How do I see what tests are assigned to my students?

Progress monitoring measures are assigned by teachers and benchmark tests are assigned automatically by the easyCBM program when the testing window is open. Benchmark tests are given on-grade only and for grades K-8.

As a teacher you can view and see what tests your students have been assigned. To see this list, login to your account and go to the Measures tab. In the dark gray box is a url link in blue that is the site where your students go to select and take their tests.

When you click on this link, you will be taken to the student testing portal. Here you can view the options a student sees to

select their group name, their name, and then a drop-down list of available tests they can take. Those tests with a number after the name, like 3_1, indicate a teacher assigned progress monitoring measures. Those tests with a season listed after the title, such as Fall, Winter, or Spring, indicate a program assigned benchmark test.

If a test has been completed, it will be indicated by the word [Done] after its title.

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