Reports: About easyCBM reports

All student reports can be found under the Reports tab on your account dashboard. There are 3 main types of reports: Individuals, Groups, and Benchmarks (Deluxe Only).

Rather you enter scores manually or a student takes an online test, the computer will automatically score the test responses and graph the results. By entering each student response, instead of a total score, you will be able to see how students performed item by item.The scored and graphed student results are found under the Reports section. All of the student's scores appear on the Individual reports for each student. Here you can even view the test the student took with correct/incorrect responses indicated.

Individual Reports

Individual student reports contain all of the tests a student has taken, even benchmark tests. To see a comprehensive view of students' scores, graphs, and tests, this is the report to select.

To view and print a single student, click on the box to the left of the student name. To view and print multiple students or a group, you can either select a group or click on several students. The list of student(s) graphs and tests will be available for viewing and printing. To find this link, scroll down the page and look below the list of students to click on "View Reports for Selected Students".

You will be directed to the Individual Graphs of the selected student(s). You will also have the option to select the range of data to view (This Year, Last Year, or All Data).

Actual student tests are also listed below each graph under the View Test Section. Click on the blue View link to see the actual student test responses.You can either print this selection by scrolling to the top of the page and clicking on the printer icon or saving it as a pdf.

Group Reports

You can view all of the responses for a particular measure in a group report. When teachers select this report, they have access to detailed information about a specific test their students have taken. To get to the report page, teachers click on the name of a test that their students have taken and then scroll down the page to get to the report that opens the list of tests taken.

The first piece of information teachers see gives them a visual of how heterogeneous the classroom is at the time of the assessment. If students ‘clump together’ in similar skill groupings, it is likely they can effectively meet their instructional needs with whole-class instruction. When teachers have one or a few students who score significantly lower (or higher) than their peers, they may need to investigate opportunities to differentiate instruction to better meet their specific skill-based needs.

Underneath the bar chart, teachers see an Item Analysis list. For all the tests with individual item scores (math, comprehension, etc.), this list provides them with additional information specific to the class. It informs teachers of the specific assessment objective for each item on the test and lists the items in order, from the items students found easiest to those students found most challenging.

Group Student Report example:

Benchmark Reports

To locate and view student benchmark data, login to your account and choose either the Reports tab or the Reports dashboard icon.

Here you can choose to look at Benchmark Scores or Risk Analysis.

Benchmark Scores

The Benchmark Scores are provided after each Benchmark administration. They provide a listing of students with their scores which are color-coded to show “Low Risk”, “Some Risk” and “High Risk” based on the patterns of student performance on the Benchmark Assessments. These reports are easily sortable by sub-test (Fluency, for example, or Vocabulary, or Comprehension), to assist in the identification of the specific sub-skills with which a student may need more help.

If the “Suggested Progress Monitoring” box on the Benchmark Report is blank, it could mean one of three things:

1) There are insufficient data available to make a recommendation (a minimum of two benchmark scores are needed to trigger the recommendations)

2) The data available are inconclusive or contradictory (e.g., student does well on one or more of the higher-order measures (WRF or PRF in Gr. K-1; Voc or PRdg in Gr. 2-8) but poorly on one or more of the lower-order measures (Seg, LN, LS in Gr. K-1; PRF in Gr. 2-8)

3) The scores are sufficiently high that ongoing progress monitoring is not recommended.

Risk Analysis

The Risk Analysis Reports are available for the Benchmark Assessments. These reports provide information about students’ performance change from one benchmark test administration to the next.

These reports are found by logging into your account and clicking on the Reports tab, then the blue Risk Analysis link.

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