- How do I get help for my easyCBM account?
- How do I give or assign a benchmark test?
- How do I know what tests are assigned to a student and what tests they've taken
- How do I manually administer and enter a progress monitored timed test?
- How do I manually enter benchmark scores into the system?
- How do I open and close a benchmark testing window (Date Range Setting)?
- How do I regroup students?
- How do I renew an existing Deluxe account?
- How do I restore or reactivate a deleted student?
- How do I save or back-up student data?
- How do I tell what grade my student is performing at and what test(s) do I give them?
- How do I tell what tests my students took and/or where can I see their results?
- How do I transfer an account when the original account owner is gone?
- How do I upload a student roster (Deluxe)?
- How do I view and print student reports?
- How do students login to their student portal (classroom link)?
- How do teachers login to their account?
- How to assign and take student assessments
- How to retrieve a deleted student and their data?
- How to use raw scores and percentile rank to interpret student performance