Manually enter student tests

Progress Monitoring Assessments

To manually enter student scores/responses, go to the “Measures” tab and click on the grade of the test you want to enter (the numbered box located just to the right of the header “Grade”).

Now scroll down the page until you locate the name of the assessment you wish to administer. On the right-hand side you will see a “Enter Scores” link. A pop-up window will appear. Select the group name, then a scoresheet will appear.

​​Please note that when you manually enter data, it will be recorded with the current date. If you need to back-date when a test was taken, please enter that date BEFORE you enter in student responses.

​​Fill in the student responses or scores. Make sure to select the Save button when you are finished entering the scores. The program will score the responses and then the results will be graphed in the Reports section

Benchmark Tests

If you administer the benchmark assessments in hard copy/paper and pencil format, then you can download the student copies of the tests to administer to students and then score them with the answer keys. These tests are located by going to your Measures tab and then clicking on the Benchmark tab. You will click on the season icon (in this case Winter) that says "Enter Winter Scores" underneath it.

After clicking on this icon you will be directed to a page where you can enter student responses and scores. Choose the student's grade and then look to the left-hand side of where you enter data, and choose to either enter the total score or item level data. After you have completed entering the scores/responses, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and make sure to click on the "Save Scores" button to record the information.

Remember, before you can enter benchmark scores into the system, you must first make sure the benchmark testing window is open. Setting and opening a benchmark window is always at the discretion of the user and can be changed at any time. To access this feature, first login to your account and go to the "Admin" tab. Next locate the "Account Management" section and click on System settings.

Now, scroll down to the Benchmark Window Settings. To adjust this setting, select the opening and closing dates for the testing window. The benchmark window needs to be current for testing and the remaining benchmark dates need to be staggered with only one testing window open at a time. The dates also need to be moving forward in time. After selecting the dates, please make sure to click on the "Update Benchmark Dates" button in order for the changes to take effect. An example of correct benchmark window for the 2024-2025 academic year is:

Fall Sept. 1 – Sept. 30, 2024

Winter Jan. 1- Jan. 31, 2025

Spring April 1 – April 30, 2025

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