Alignment, Standards, Norms & Percentiles
- Measure Name Updates (Fall 2021)
- Norm Calculation and How Often They Updated
- Percentage vs. Percentile
- Percentile Rankings and Norm Scores
- Reading measures and standards alignment
- TEKS and easyCBM Alignment
- Understanding Percentile Rank
- What are the benchmark testing dates/ percentile scores align to?
- What is the difference between the Detailed Norms Table and the Progress Monitoring Scoring Guidelines?
- What standards and focal points do easyCBM mathematics align to?
- Where are the progress monitoring scoring guidelines and how do I use them?
- Where do I find a benchmark risk ratings?
- Where do I find student scores and how do I interpret them?
- Why are reading benchmark/progress monitoring percentiles displayed as a single score but math has separate scores?
- Why are the math tests arranged by general topics rather than specific skills?
- Why do scores not always go up across the year (dip in scores)?