What is the difference between the Detailed Norms Table and the Progress Monitoring Scoring Guidelines?

Both the Details Norms Table and the Progress Monitoring Scoring Guidelines can be found by logging into your account and clicking on the Reports tab. Here you can either view or download both documents.

The Progress Monitoring Scoring Guidelines give student percentile scores for the 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th percentile. It is a 13-page document that gives percentile markers for students. The other document, The “Detailed Percentiles Table”, is a 72-page document that contains detailed percentile lookup tables that show the exact percentile for every possible score on all easyCBM measures.

The Individual Percentile Rank (IPR) and the Norm Scores may differ slightly as they have been based on different random samples of students from each region. This slight variation provides greater generalization to the outcomes and should remind teachers and administrators that all measurement contains some minor amount of error and score values are best represented in confidence bands (the range of scores within which we can be confident a specific score is present). Note, the IPRs are sampled proportionately by region, not by race-ethnicity-gender.

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