What kind of easyCBM training is available?

We have two types of training. One type of training can be arranged by our program director to go over how to utilize and use the easyCBM program for a group of teachers/administrators. If you are interested, a request to our director can be made and she can make arrangements with you.

The other type of training would involve accessing our resource materials and completing the training and tutorial videos. Your easyCBM account provides videos, tutorials, and manuals to help you navigate and learn the easyCBM system.

Our general training materials are located on your dashboard under the Resource Tab

To access these resources, first login to your account and then click on the resources tab in the upper right-hand corner of your dashboard screen. A pop-up window will display the “Resources” page. If you click on the Video Tutorials, you can explore either how to use the easyCBM system or how to administer the measures.

Our progress monitoring and goal setting tutorials are located on your dashboard under the Individual tab under the Reports tab

Our Interventions tutorial is located on your dashboard under the Interventions Tab (Deluxe version only)

Our progress monitoring and goal setting tutorials are located on your dashboard under the Individual tab under the Reports tab

Our Interventions tutorial is located on your dashboard under the Interventions Tab (Deluxe version only)

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