Student Benchmark Reports (Deluxe)

To better reflect the function of our reports, we have renamed our Parent Report to Benchmark PDFs.

There was a misconception that the Parent Report provided a student summary of data to give to parents, when in reality, it is a summary of Benchmark data. If you want to print off a summary of a student's data, including both progress monitoring and benchmark results, go to the Individual Report.

To locate and print off a student's Benchmark PDF, login to your account and choose either the Reports tab or the Reports dashboard icon.

You will be directed to Reports and Analysis page where you will choose the Individuals Tab. You can either select a single student or a group (with a drop-down menu).

In selecting a student, scroll down the page to the desired student name, then click on the Download icon/link located in the Benchmark PDFs column, on the far right. A Student Benchmark Report will download for printing.

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