How do I give or assign an off-grade test?

Progress Monitoring measures are the only tests that can be assigned off-grade (in the Deluxe version, benchmark tests are only assigned on-grade by the easyCBM program). The choice to assign a grade comes when you go to the Measures tab.

Login to your account and go to the "Measures" tab. Under the Progress Monitoring tab is a list of grades. Click on the number or grade of the test you want to administer.

Once a grade is selected, all of the available measures will appear on your screen.

Now scroll down the page until you locate the name of the assessment you wish to administer. On the right-hand side you will see a "Take Online" checkbox (for those assessments that can be administered online). Click the box, and a list of your student groups will appear. Once you’ve selected the groups you want tested, it's time to have students go to their login portal and take their assigned tests.

After assigning tests to students, look up towards the top of the page at the dark gray box called Measures on easyCBM. Students login to take tests at the URL address highlighted in blue your username,

Students logging in to that address will have to login using the teacher’s username (they should never take a test through your account or ever be given your account password). Once the students are logged in, their group and individual names should appear for selection along with their test options.

If you are entering student scores instead of having them take an online test, click on the “Enter Scores” column located under the Measures tab next to the name of the assessment, and a pop-up window will appear. Select the group name, then fill in the student responses or scores. Make sure to select the Save button when you are finished entering the scores.

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