Benchmark Reports (Deluxe)

easyCBM Deluxe users have access to benchmark testing and their reports. These reports provide a multi-year Benchmark History Report, which is shown below. This report is a graphic presentation of an individual student’s Benchmark Assessment scores across multiple years (Figure 46).

Figure 46: Multi-Year Benchmark History Report for Individual Students

Figure 46

The Benchmark Performance Report provides an easy-to-understand overview of a student’s Benchmark Assessments scores for the current school year (a sample is shown Figure 47).

Figure 47: Benchmark Performance Report for Individual Students

Figure 47

Individual account holders can customize the range of raw scores that comprise each of the color-coded risk level categories (High, Some, Low). Students who score in the ‘Red’ range are those students whose performance suggests that they are most at risk for academic failure; students in the ‘yellow’ range are those who are at some risk for failure; and those students in the ‘white’ range are at low academic risk. Students who perform in the ‘green’ range are performing above grade-level expectations. By default, these ranges are set at following levels: Red = 10th percentile or below, yellow = between the 11th and 20th percentile, white = between the 21st and 89th percentile, and green = 90th percentile or above.

Report information can be sorted by category (in ascending or descending order of risk level) by clicking on the report heading (e.g., Risk Level) in the table (Figure 48).

Sorting the report by type of measure or risk level assists in identifying patterns of need within a class, grade or school. It is possible to select the Show Percentiles option to display the Percentile range beside the raw score. It is also possible to view growth from one assessment period to another through the review of the Growth column (Figure 49), which is available when comparing one measure across season (e.g., Compare WRF, or Compare PRF).

Figure 48: Benchmark Grade Level Score Report

Figure 48

Figure 49: Benchmark Grade Level Score Report

Figure 49

Risk Analysis Tables are also available for review and can be accessed on the Benchmark page. The Risk Analysis tables provide information regarding the number of students (by grade or individual class) who fall within the risk level categories (Figure 50).

These tables also provide comparison data from one benchmark period to another, thus enabling to determine if student gains are being made (e.g., decrease in number or percentage of students in the High Risk range from one assessment period to another). Student data can be sorted by Risk Level or Change Indicator by clicking on the appropriate heading at the top of the column.

Two options exist for the Risk Analysis tables: information can be presented as percentages of students within each risk level or as the number of students within each risk level.

It is also possible to review student data using the Intact or Cohort option. The ‘Intact’ option should be selected if school personnel wish to review assessment results of all students present for all Benchmark assessments; the ‘Cohort’ option should be selected if assessment results of all students present for one particular Benchmark assessment will be reviewed.

Figure 50: Risk Analysis Grade Table

Figure 50

An additional Benchmark report is available for individual students. This report provides information regarding a student’s performance on the Benchmark assessment for the current school year only. The student’s performance is contextualized within the risk level identified by the benchmark cut scores you establish when setting up your account (Figure 51).

Each measure is displayed with a rectangle, which is color coded according to the defined risk levels. For instance, if the default risk levels were used (as displayed) the bottom 10% of the rectangle would be filled in red, while the next 10% above that would be filled in yellow, representing the high and some risk categories. The top 80% of the rectangle is filled in white, indicating low risk. A thick horizontal line indicates the student’s normative rank on the measure. For example, the line for a student scoring in the 97th percentile would be 3% below the top of the rectangle.

Figure 51: Benchmark Performance Report

Figure 51


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