Can multiple teachers share an easyCBM account?

While our easyCBM Lite and Deluxe versions are individual teacher​​ accounts, some smaller schools (with less than 200 students) can share one account with between several teachers but there are considerations.

You will want to make one person in charge of this account to handle and manage its students. This cuts down on confusion and inadvertent student deletions and setting changes. The biggest question will be do you want the free easyCBM Lite account which has progress monitoring measures, or the upgraded Deluxe which also has benchmark tests along with more types and numbers of measures.

The main advantage of benchmark tests is that it helps determine if your students are performing on grade or not. These screeners are only administered on-grade (grades K-8) and do not tell you what grade your student is performing at, just if they are on-grade with their peers or not. Benchmark testing is only give 3 times a year and for students who are performing on-grade, no further testing in needed between administrations. For those below grade level performers, the progress monitoring measures are implemented, along with guided instruction, to improve their scores between benchmark testing periods.

When contemplating how many accounts to create, there are a couple of things to consider. The first item deals with the number of students you see yourselves having in the years to come since there is a 200 student limit. If you project this number to grow, you may consider creating two accounts and dividing your students out by grades or testing areas. If you create one account and your students eventually exceed the 200 student limit, there is no option to increase the size limit of students or transfer students from one account to another.

Another item to consider is the sharing of information. Multiple teachers can share one account and students can be in more than one group. In this set-up, each teacher could be a group and students could be assigned to multiple groups. Since multiple teachers share this, all of the student data can be shared between teachers and there is a record of all of the student data in one account.

Rather you decide on a Lite, or eventually a Deluxe account, you always start by creating a Lite account. All information starts with this account and if one later choose to upgrade to the Deluxe program, you will do this through your existing Lite account. This is so all students and their data stay in place with the original account.

I would invite one of you to create a free account and look it over to get a feel for the program. Attached is a document to assist you with setting up an account and testing students. There is also training videos and resource material on the account dashboard that will assist with various parts and usage of the program. This might be a good place to start and take the program for a test drive.

To create an account, go to and clicking on the “Register” link button located in the “Teachers Login” box near the bottom right-hand side of the screen.

After you click on the register button, you will be directed to the “Teacher Account Registration” form. Please complete the form, then click the green Register button at the bottom of the page. If your registration is complete the system will let you know.

If you do not see this confirmation upon registration, like the example below, you have not created a new account.

The program will only allow one account per email address/username. If your email address or username is already in use (meaning you already have an account with easyCBM), the account creation will not go through. If the username you choose is already taken, you will need to select another one.

The easyCBM system automatically creates and sends an email to the email address specified during account creation. In most cases, users will receive this email within a few minutes. In some cases, a spam filter may block this email. If half an hour has passed and you still haven't received the login email, please check your spam filter for the message. If this fails, set your filter to allow emails from:

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