Student ID: Re-assign a Student ID# that was assigned to another student last year

When you delete a student, they are not deleted from the system, they are only made inactive in your account. This allows us to be able to restore students to an account if they have been accidentally deleted or you need access to their original data.

Student ID numbers are designed to be unique to an individual student. If an account holder already has an ID assigned to them, it is the ID# their data is tied to. When they are deleted, or deactivated, that ID# stays with them. If you try to re-use a student ID number, it is quite likely that the system will pull up the prior students' data -- which is not what you would want. You will need to select a new ID number for the new student or request the support site to reactivate the deleted student with the ID# you want.

If you have active students you need to switch ID# by logging into your account and click on the "Student" tab. In the Students column, to the right of the student's name, is a blue edit button. Click on this button and a pop-up window will display the student's information. Delete the ID# and give an arbitrary Student ID# to the student who has the needed ID#, then make sure to click on the "Update" button in order for the changes to take effect. Now enter, or edit, the Student ID# of the student who needs the ID# then save. Now you can go back and re-assign the correct ID# to the original student holding the ID#.

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