Account Information
- How do I update/confirm my contact information when I receive a notice?
- How do I transfer account ownership on an account I am taking over from a colleague?
- How do I set my account information and/or verify my email address?
- How do I delete a group from my account?
- How do I get help for my easyCBM account?
- How do teachers login to their account?
- How do I reset my password?
- Can I merge two duplicate students together?
- Can I add my own tests/data to your program?
- Can we use progress monitoring measures for writing IEPs in a high school setting?
- How can I tell if I have a Lite or Deluxe account?
- Can I add more than 200 students to my account?
- Can a parent or tutor create an easyCBM account?
- Can I merge, combine, or transfer data between two accounts?
- Is there a way to print off a section of student measures all at once instead of individually?
- How do I set available hours to take a test?
- How do I transfer my account to another person?