Deluxe subscription expired (no autorenewal)
When a Deluxe subscription expires, the account will not renew automatically. It will revert back to a Lite account. The benchmark features and assessments become inactive and no longer appear in your account. The benchmark data will not be accessible either because the features that display it will become inactive. However, the data will remain in the system and become accessible if you renew your subscription. You can renew your upgrade at any time.
To keep a record of your benchmark data, you can do so by either printing it off in the reports or export the data before your account expires.
To export data, login to your account and click on the Report tab. Next click the Groups tab. Click on the blue Export CSC link to the right of the group name you want to export into a .csv file. An Excel file in the .csv format will be downloaded to your desktop. A .csv format means a document has no formatting associated with it.
If you want the additional ability to do an analysis of your data, you will need to save this document in an .xls format. In an .xls format, you can calculate things like average scores for your class, and compare those to the score associated with the 50th percentile (‘on-grade performance’). If you are unsure how to calculate these or which formulas to use in Excel, please do a Google search for instructions.