Can I add more than 200 students to my account?

No. The easyCBM Lite and Teacher Deluxe versions were established as single teacher accounts and their 200 student limit is programmed into the system and cannot be adjusted.

While we realize smaller schools or resource groups may share the same account, the limit is still set at 200 students. You can only add students once you reach you limit by deleting students you no longer need to test(to free up space).  The only solution would be to create another easyCBM account. In order for the data to remain with their students. You will not be able to merge students or transfer them between accounts.

You can not merge or transfer students/data between two accounts but you can export data from each account into a .csv file. You can then combine the .csv files into one.

To keep all of your students in one account, then you can look into getting a District account. Our partners at Riverside Insights manage this portion of the easyCBM program. To find out about and/or sign up for a District account, you will work with them. Please visit Riverside Insights for more information.

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