When will my Deluxe upgrade expire and how can I renew my subscription?
To find out when your Deluxe subscription expires, login to your account and click on the Admin tab located near the upper right side of your screen. Under the Account Management section you will find the link to: Manage easyCBM Teacher Deluxe Subscription. Click on this link and displayed will be the date your subscription expires.
Scroll below this date and you will also find the link to renew your subscription.
Click on the “Upgrade” button in the middle of the page and you will be directed to the QuickPAY form in a new tab where you can enter your payment information (which is outlined in the payment guide). Once you click on the QuickPay option you’ll be given the option to pay by either eCheck or credit card. Since we do not accept Purchase Orders or checks in the mail this provides you the opportunity to send your check electronically. When you select the e Check option, all you do is enter your check information online. You do not need to sign-up for a special service or program.