Group and activate students

Group Students and Activate them for Testing

​​​​You can organize or group your students into many configurations, a class or grade being one of them. Even a single student can be a group if they need specific testing that does not align with other students.

Grouping students organizes students for testing and reports purposes. If you have several students you want to assign the same test to, place them in one group. If you have a student that needs to be assign tests specific to just them, make them their own group. Likewise you can organize students by a reading/math group, class period, teacher and/or just their own single group for individualized testing.

You can create as many "groups" as you’d like and students can exist in multiple groups or in a single group of their own. No matter how many groups a student is in, their test results will in not only appear in each group they are in but their results/scores will be compiled, in totality, in the student's individual report.

Create a Group

Let's create a group(s) and activate the students in them, Students are automatically listed in the “All Students” group. To activate and assign a student to an additional group(s), first click on a Group name, then go to the Student column and check the corresponding box to the left of their name. One item of note when naming groups, students will see their group name. Please remember group names are seen by students so be mindful of what you choose. Group names like low performers and remedial reading, etc., might make the student self=conscious. You can work out your own naming convention, choose arbitrary names like a teachers' name or a class period or a single group can have the students' name.

If you do not assign a student to a group, the student’s name will not display when measures are assigned to a group, and the student will not be able to login and take an assessment. To assign students to groups, first create a group name in the “Groups” box.

Login to your account and go to the Students tab. Below the Managing your Students paragraph there is a column on the left-hand side called Groups. To the right of the column called Groups, is a + sign in the green box. Click on this icon and a blank box will appear. Enter a group name.

Now go to “Students” column on the right-hand side. With the chosen group name highlighted (highlighted will appear in black) click on the small box to the left of the student’s name in the Students column. This will produce a √ (check mark) in the box and highlight the student's name in black. This assigns a students to that group. Repeat this procedure until all of the students in a given group, have a checked box next to their name and they are highlighted in black.

Once students are assigned to a group, you can begin the testing.

Please note, if you are a returning account holder and have advanced your students’ grade in school, you may need to regroup your students (especially if they are grouped by grade).

To regroup students, it is easiest is to delete a group. Deleting a group from an account will only delete the group, and not the students and their data.

Delete a Group

To delete a group, login to your account and go to the Students tab. Then select a group name by clicking on the circle to the left of the group name. All but the "All Students" group will have a red trash can icon to the left of its name. If you click on this icon, you will be able to delete the group. The students will remain intact in your account.

To assign students to groups, go to the header called Groups. To the right is a + sign in the green box. Click on this icon and a blank box will appear. Enter the name of the group you desire.

Now go to “Students” column on the right-hand side. With the desired group name highlighted (highlighted will appear in black) click on the small box to the left of the student’s name in the Students column. This will produce a √ (check mark) in the box and highlight the student's name in black. This assigns a students to that group. Repeat this procedure until all of the students in a given group, have a checked box next to their name and they are highlighted in black.

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