How can I edit or change the date a test was taken?

Progress Monitoring Tests

You can change the date logged for when a student took a progress monitoring measure.

When you manually enter student responses, the default date is the current date you are entering the information. If you manually administered tests to students and then several days later want to enter the student responses, it is important to first adjust the default date (current date) at the time you are entering the data.

If you want to change a date on a measure you have already given, you will need to first delete the measure in order to re-enter it with a different date. Before deleting, please make sure you have the correct student responses recorded before you delete the test. It is important to pay attention to the actual answer the student chose and not the letter placement of A, B, or C as the program shuffles these from test to test.

The easiest way to delete a student measure is by accessing the student’s assessment history. This feature is found on your account under the Student tab. Locate the student name in the “Students” column to the right. To the right of the student name there is a blue magnifying glass icon. Click on that icon and a summary list of assessments for that student will appear in a drop-down window.

If the assessment information is not immediately visible in the window, scroll down the page to find the list. Assessments that have a season in their title (Vocabulary 3_Fall) are benchmark tests and those that end with an underscore and number (Basic Reading 4_1) are progress monitoring measures. In this setting, there is an option to delete a student record. If you look to the right of the measure name, you will see a trash can icon. If you select a measure for deletion, a pop-up window will ask, Are you certain you want to remove this test?  If you click OK, the measure will permanently be deleted from your account.

Next set the date a student took the test.

To set a date for when a student took a progress monitoring measure, other than the current default date, first login to your account and go to the “Measures” tab. Next select the grade and measure to be taken. In order to select a date other than the current date, select the enter scores option rather than take online. When you open the scoring or student response page, enter the date the students took the test.

If a student has taken a progress monitoring test online, the date should be correct (because the computer automatically enters the date when the student took the test).

Before you attempt changing anything, please record the scores of the tests you will be changing. Next, you will need to delete the test score from your account. The easiest way to delete a student test is by accessing the student’s assessment history. To locate this feature, login to your account and go to the Student tab. Next locate the student name in the “Students” column to the right. To the right of the student name there is a blue magnifying glass icon. Click on that icon and a summary list of assessments for that student will appear in a drop down window. If the assessment information is not immediately visible in the window, scroll down the page to find the list. Assessments that have a season in their title (Vocabulary 3_Fall) are benchmark tests and those that end with an underscore and number (Passage Reading Fluency 4_1) are progress monitoring measures. In this setting, there is an option to delete a student record. If you look to the right of the measure name you will see a trash can icon. If you select a measure for deletion, a pop-up window will ask, Are you certain you want to remove this test?  If you click OK, the measure will permanently be deleted from your account.

Now enter the date you want displayed that the student took the test, enter the student responses, then click save. The desired date should appear correctly in the system.

Benchmark Tests

When looking at Benchmark dates for the Student Progress Report, the date displayed on the graph is the one designated as being the beginning of the benchmark period, even though the date administered may be different.

If you want to adjust a test date for a benchmark test, you will need to adjust the benchmark testing window and its dates. Please take note of the ending date for each of your fall, winter, and spring testing dates. You will need to return them back to their setting when you are done. To access this feature, first login to your account and go to the “Admin” tab. Next locate the “Account Management” section and click on System settings. Now, scroll down to the Benchmark Window Settings.

In all cases, please leave the beginning date where it is and only change one season at a time. Beginning with the earliest season, extend the ending date to today’s date. Now manually enter the benchmark scores into the system by going to the Measures tab and clicking on the Benchmark tab. and clicking on a season icon (leaf = fall, snowflake = winter, or flower = spring).After clicking on this icon you will be directed to a page where you can enter student responses and scores. Choose the student’s grade and then look to the left-hand side of where you enter data, and choose to either enter the total score or item level data. After you have completed entering the scores/responses, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and make sure to click on the “Save Scores” button to record the information.

When this is done go back to the date range setting and return the benchmark ending date to what it was before you edited it. Now repeat the process for the most recent benchmark testing season.When you go to the Reports tab and choose the Individuals tab and then select the edited student’s name, the scores should be correctly aligned in the graph. If you go to the graph and see that the colored percentile lines are zig-zagging instead of being horizontal, the ending date for the ending benchmark testing dates were not returned to their original settings. The benchmark window needs to be staggered with only one testing window open at a time and the dates cannot overlap. The dates also need to be moving forward in time.

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