Dyslexia or RAN measures on District easyCBM

RAN or Rapid Automatized Naming is the ability to quickly name aloud a series of familiar items. The district version of easyCBM is the only one to have these progress monitoring tests for grades K-1.

RAN Report
The Rapid Automatic Naming measure provides information useful for dyslexia screening. This measure requires administration of both Form A and Form B. The final score (Correct Digits Per Minute) is based on performance across the two forms.

Dyslexia Measures on easyCBM

The Oregon Department of Education evaluated the easyCBM dyslexia measures and has authorized them to be used for the purpose of screening for dyslexia in Grades K and 1. We have added a Rapid Automatic Naming measure to the District version and we intend for it to be available on the Teacher Deluxe version in the future.The State has authorized the following measures to used be for screening:

Grade K

Phoneme Segmenting (this is a measure of phonological awareness)

Letter Sounds Fluency (this is a measure of letter-sound correspondence

Rapid Automatic Naming (this is a measure of students’ rapid naming ability)

Grade 1

Phoneme Segmenting (this is a measure of phonological awareness)

Letter Sounds Fluency (this is a measure of letter-sound correspondence

Word Reading Fluency (this is a measure of students’ ability to read discrete words)

Passage Reading Fluency (this is a measure of students’ oral reading fluency)

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