Measures: Math read-aloud feature
All of the math items on easyCBM (audio files are served via the HTML5 Web Audio API using JavaScript) include a read-aloud option (grades K-8), but it does not describe any pictures or graphs that might be included in the item.
The questions where no words are given are written that way intentionally, as part of the system's incorporation of Universal Design for Assessment (UDA). In each case, sufficient information is given by the use of the mathematical symbols and the answer options from which students have to choose that students should be able to interpret what is being asked. One of the guiding principles of the design used in constructing the tests was to eliminate words that were not essential; this design feature helps reduce the risk that the scores of students with reading disabilities and English learners will be artificially deflated as a result of misunderstanding the words.
Students access this feature when they login online and take their assigned test.
Once a student has accessed their math test, the first screen they are directed to assists them in enabling the sound/read-aloud feature. After conducting a sound test, this feature will be enabled for a student.