Students: Adding and/or editing student information
Add Students
To add a student to your account:
- Login and click on the Students tab on the upper left side of your dashboard screen.
- Locate the column on the right titled "Students".
- Click on the green "+" icon to the right of the Students header.
- A “Create Student” box will appear. Fill in the student information.
- Click the green Create button in the lower right-hand side corner of the black box.
- Repeat to add additional students and/or edit existing student information in your account .
Edit Students
If a student already exists, and you want to edit information (like advancing a students' grade in school):
- Click on the blue edit icon just to the right of a students' name.
- A pop-up window will display the student's existing information. Here, you can edit the information, such as the student grade (to advance it to the next level).
- After you make changes, be sure to click on the blue Update button in the lower right corner of the black box to save changes.
In Lite accounts, new students are entered manually into the account. If you are a returning Lite member, this is where you will need to advanced manually (the system will not do this automatically) at the beginning of the school year.