Measures: Enable or disable

To enable or disable measures, you will need to access a feature in your account. This feature displays a list of measure names found in your account. For Lite accounts there is no feature to enable/disable measures, this is just for Deluxe accounts.

To find this feature, first login to your account and click on the Account tab, then click on the Manage Settings section and a pop-up page will open.

Now scroll down the page to the section called Enable Measures and Features. This list of measures are the ones that exist in a Deluxe account. Those measures that exist by default, and cannot be disabled, are grayed out. The names of the other measures, with a blue box or an empty box next to their name, are the measures that turn on and off. If you make a change in the measures you want to access, make sure to press the gray Update Settings box for the change to take effect.

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