Benchmark: Can a student retake a benchmark test?
A student can retake a benchmark test but there are a few items to know, or do, in order to complete this process.
In order to retake a benchmark test, you will first need to delete the original test. Once a test is deleted, you may need to open the benchmark testing window.
First, the easiest way to delete a student progress monitoring measure or benchmark test is by accessing the student’s assessment history.
To locate a students' assessment history, login to your account and go to the Student tab. Next locate the student name in the “Students” column to the right (in this example it's Doe, John). To the right of the student name there is a blue magnifying glass icon (just to the left of a blue edit button and the red delete button). Click on that icon and a summary list of assessments for that student will appear in a drop down window.
If the assessment information is not immediately visible in the window, scroll down the page to find the list. Assessments that have a season in their title (Vocabulary 3_Fall) are benchmark tests and those that end with an underscore and number (Basic Reading 3_1) are progress monitoring measures.In this setting, there is an option to delete a student record. If you look to the right of the measure name you will see a trash can icon. If you select a measure for deletion, a pop-up window will ask, Are you certain you want to remove this test? If you click OK, the measure will permanently be deleted from your account.
If the assessment information is not immediately visible in the window, scroll down the page to find the list. Assessments that have a season in their title (Vocabulary 3_Fall) are benchmark tests and those that end with an underscore and number (Basic Reading 3_1) are progress monitoring measures. In this setting, there is an option to delete a student record. If you look to the right of the measure name you will see a red trash can icon. If you select a measure for deletion, a pop-up window will ask, Are you certain you want to remove this test? If you click OK, the measure will permanently be deleted from your account.
*Note: If you are deleting a student benchmark test in order to re-administer it, remember the benchmark testing window must be open in order for a student to retake a test. All you need do is extend the ending date of the benchmark window to include the date the test will be retaken. Then once the test is complete, return the end date to what it was prior to the re-administration of the test.
Benchmark Window Setting
To access this feature, login to your account and click on the “Admin” tab in the upper right-hand side of your dashboard.
In the Admin screen, locate the “Account Management” section , scroll down and click on System settings.
In the Benchmark Window Settings, adjust the opening and closing dates for Fall. Winter, and Spring testing. Each window should only span 3 weeks or less. A benchmark window needs to be current for testing and only one testing window open at a time. The dates also need to be moving forward in time.
After selecting the testing dates, please make sure to click “Save Changes” in order for the dates to take effect. An example of correct benchmark window for the 2024-2025 academic year is:
Fall: Sept. 10th - Oct.. 30th, 2024
Winter: Jan. 1st- Feb. 21, 2025
Spring: Apr 5th - June 15, 2025