Group: Move a student to another group

Login to your account and click on your Students tab or the Students icon on your dashboard.

Go to the "Groups: column on the left. Click on the group name you want to edit. This will highlight the class/group name in black. In the “Students” column, on the right-hand side, the student(s) that are a part of that group will be highlighted in black. Click on the small box to the left of the student’s name and you can toggle between making that student a part of a designated class/group (with a √ check mark) or removing them (leave the box blank).

Now choose a different group to highlight and check the box next to the student name to make the highlighted and active in the new group.

Students can belong to more than one group. If you move a student from one group to another all of their data stays with them, even if you delete the group.

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