Why are the Basic Reading scores not displayed in the Benchmark Report?

The Basic Reading tests are provided as an optional benchmark assessment. We don't include the Basic Reading in the Benchmark Report/Risk Rating because they were developed to fill a need for easier-access reading comprehension measures for students still developing their Literal Comprehension skills.

They include brief literal comprehension questions related to short informational and literary text passages as well as “read to perform a task” graphics such as maps, charts, and tables. They are recommended for progress monitoring measures rather than benchmark screening. because they were designed for students who are struggling readers. In this application they are ideal, but not as useful as benchmark screening assessments. Students who are near grade-level proficiency already will ’top out’ on these simpler reading measures. This is referred to as a ‘ceiling effect’. Due to this effect, if students are reading far below grade level the Proficient Reading will likely be too difficult for them and lead to frustration.

Unlike the Basic Reading measures, the more challenging Proficient Reading measures more accurately capture the reading comprehension of students who are at or above grade level in this construct. The Proficient Reading measures, with their focus on inferential and evaluative as well as literal comprehension, are much better suited for Benchmark Screening. Student performance on the Proficient Reading measures is included in the computation of “Risk Ratings” because these measures provide useful information about a wide range of students’ risk in the area of literacy.

While this score will not be displayed in the Benchmark Report, it is graphed in the student’s individual report. If you login to your account and go to the Reports tab and then click on the Individual’s tab, you will find a list of Students. If you locate a student name and double click on it, you will be directed to the Students Report which includes all of the student’s measures taken. At this site you can see the student’s graphed results.

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