Troubleshooting: How do I add a new student when there is a duplicate Student ID# in my account?

The easyCBM program allows for only one unique Student ID#. While you have deleted a student, their ID# still resides, behind the scenes, as a deactivated student. This allows us to reactivate them for you should the need arise (preserving the student along with their data). Also, by being able to delete/deactivate a student, it opens up another space for an active student to be added to your account (helping you maintain your 200 student limit). If you even need a student reactivated, or see if a deleted student has the information you need assigned to them, please make a request to the support site and make sure to include:

1. Your account username

2. The name and grade of the student

3. The Student ID#

In order to change a duplicate ID#s, you will first need to edit the existing Student ID# and then replace the number you are wanting to give to another student. You will start with the number you need to transfer, change their ID#, then assign it to another student.

To edit student information, login to your account and click on the "Student" tab. In the Students column, to the right of the student's name, is a blue edit button. Click on this button and a pop-up window will display the student's information. Replace the ID# with a random number that does not follow your school district's naming convention then save the changes. Make sure to click on the "Update" button in order for the changes to take effect. Then locate the student needing the number and assign it the new number and save. Repeat this process for each Student ID# you need swapped out.

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