How do I give or assign a benchmark test?
About Benchmark Tests
The benchmark tests are different from the progress monitoring measures in that you do not assign benchmark assessments, the system automatically assigns them to the student by way of their grade in school and when the benchmark testing window is open. Only on-grade tests will only be available to students, and only for grades K-8 (9th grade and above cannot be benchmark tested). If you already know that a student is not performing at their grade level then the progress monitoring measures should be implemented instead.
Taking a Benchmark Test
To administer a benchmark test, first check the date range setting. Setting and opening a benchmark window is always at the discretion of the user and can be changed at any time. To access this feature, first login to your account and click on the “Account” tab. Now under the "Manage Settings" section, click on the blue Manage Settings link.
You will be directed to the Benchmarking Window Settings. To make adjustments, select the opening and closing dates for the testing window. The benchmark window needs to be current for testing and the remaining benchmark dates need to be staggered with only one testing window open at a time. The dates need to be moving forward in time.
After selecting the dates, please make sure to click on the “Save Changes” button in order for the changes to take effect. An example of correct benchmark window for the 2024-2025 academic year is:
Fall Sept. 1 – Sept. 30, 2024
Winter Jan. 1- Jan. 31, 2025
Spring April 1 – April 30, 2025
When the benchmark window is open you have a choice to either download and administer a copy of the test to students (keys are provided for scoring student responses which are entered manually) or have students go online and take a test (which is scored and entered automatically).
Students go to the website address highlighted in blue in the “Measures” section. This address will be: name.
They will then be able to choose their tests from a drop-down menu (like assessments in the Progress Monitoring section). Only on-grade tests with open benchmark windows, will be available to them.