How do I change my username, password, or email account address?

If you want to change your account password, name and email address, you can do it through your account once you login.
To make account changes, login to your account and go to the "Admin" tab located in the upper right-hand corner. Once you click this tab, select "My Account" and your account information will appear.  You can edit the information (not the username) just make sure to click the "Update Your Account" button located in the lower left-hand corner of the page.

If you want to change your username you will need to make the request through the easyCBM support site. You must be the account owner to have this request completed. When changing a username you will need to supply us with your current username and the username you want it changed to. When changing a username, please refrain from using email addresses and only use letters, numbers, hyphens, underscores and no spaces. (all usernames must be unique and not used with another account).

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